Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Green Month: Week 1 Wrap Up!

So we did it, we survived the first week of Green Month ! We had great weather this past week so luckily we didn't have to do any extreme weather riding! The highlight of the week goes to Zak and his ingenious way to fulfill his plans of golfing that he made prior to us starting green month:

No big deal, just riding a bicycle with golf clubs... ha ha!

We had a Cinco De Mayo party to attend over the weekend which I had agreed to bring Corona to without actually considering how we would get a case of Corona from the store to my friends house, our solution:

One six pack at a time! 

So it is not that we are limited on our every day life because of not using the car or other means of transportation we just have to find different ways to do it! 

Our usual commuting path from our home to the base has become such an easy and effortless ride now, I honestly went into a zone today riding home and 30 minutes felt like 5! The only time I dislike that bike ride is the section that we have to ride through which happens to be a bee farm. I pull up my mask, drop down my sunglasses and go into full on crazy peddling mode to push through the cloud of bees fast enough so they don't land on me.  Zak said he got hit in the ear by one this week but thankfully we haven't been stung... yet. 

I am looking forward to seeing what challenges we can overcome this week!! Until the next update here are some more photos we took during our first week being petrol free!

Yes that is a pineapple in my back pack :o)

Oh an here is a cute picture of Pip because she feels left out of the blog lately..

Well that is it for week one, and according to Zak's estimation of mileage/gas prices/car mpg we have saved a little over $20 in fuel this week and have burned about 10,000 combined calories of our own fuel! 

Thanks for reading

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