Sunday, October 2, 2011

One month with no petrol, say whaaaat?

So Zak and myself have decided to embark on a little adventure that we have given a lot of thought to. Starting tomorrow (October 3) we will be spending the following 4 weeks without using 'gas'. This means no driving our car, no taking taxi rides, no rides with friends, no public buses, no cross country buses, and no fuel burning trains. That leaves us with our bicycles, the subway, a train called the Norioo which is fully electric (but doesnt go as far as the fuel burning trains, and is limited in schedule), and the hover-round electric wheelchairs that everyone seems to think are a form of transportation around here.. ahh if only I had one handy...

To prepare for our adventure we made quite a large shopping trip to our favorite place.. Costco! :)  We have stocked up on enough meat and food to last us a month so we dont have to make any large grocery shops except for some veg and milk here and there.

Yay I heart Costco! By the way if you are here in Korea and have gone to Costco but have not tried the Bulgogi Bake in the cafeteria.. to.die.for. Try it!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Anywho, we have decided to do this not only to prove to ourselves that it is possible to go a month without using fuel but also to kick start some healthier living. And we figured it couldnt hurt to get our carbon footprint down! I am pretty excited about this challenge, I know it will be hard and most people will think we are rediculous for doing it but Zak and I are ready to prove that we can do it. I will be sure to give you our weekly update for the next four weeks.

Thanks for reading and wish us luck!

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