Saturday, August 14, 2010

We are adopting Pip!

Who is Pip you ask? Pip is a rescued puppy that came from a puppy farm here in Korea. She has been fostered for about 5 months and at the end of this month she will be our new puppy! We (mostly me) are so excited!!! I have gone back and forth for over the past year about wanting an animal, and while it would have been nice, our life just wasn't matched to have a pet. Now that we are settling down in Korea for a few years we have more time on our hands to take after one! Most of the streets here in our city have pet stores on them, and while they are just too cute for words staring at me in through the windows with their beady little puppy eyes, I couldn't help but think about all the puppies in the shelters here that needed homes too. Here are a few photos of Pip that I got from her foster mom:

 (Apparently this is Pip's favorite toy donut and she goes crazy over it!)

Ok ok enough with the cute little big eared puppy...

     Zak is feeling much better this week! He is still having trouble getting around, but overall I think his health is improving every day. His large incision is having some issues with leaking plasma, but we were assured that this is normal, his post op appointment is on Wednesday so we will see what needs to be done about that situation then. We are crossing our fingers that he will be able to go back to work late next week, I know he is getting so antsy sitting around the house all day. Without all of our things here it can get pretty boring, all we have to do is watch movies on the computer and online shop... but hey, im not complaining.. I am so happy to finally be in Korea!

     Another piece of good news is that we finally got word that Zak is released from his re-call back into active duty. Whew. It sure would have sucked for him to go to Iraq after all of this happened to him. We also had our dryer repaired that I broke, and now have that and the washer hooked up to a 110v transformer so we don't have any more voltage issues. Now the only issue we have is a leaky faucet which should be taken care of tomorrow with some handy plumbers tape. Since Zak has been out of service I have become quite the handy woman. :)

Thats all for now, hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! Lots of Love xxx


  1. Can't wait to see videos of Pip with you. You've wanted this for a long time. I'm sure she will be a perfect fit. They are a joy to have around. Sooooo glad Zak is home and doing better. Just don't let him over do it. Take care and Love ya lots! Mom (Andrea)

  2. What a doll! She is so adorable!!!!!!
