Thursday, July 15, 2010

Part two of trip down south.. and update on move.

After spending 4th of July weekend in North Carolina we headed further down south to see Zak's Dad and Eleanor in Georgia. There is just something about Georgia that Zak and I love, you can have the hustle of Atlanta  and also the calmness of floating down the Chattahoochee River....oh and LOTS of shopping :). We arrived  pooped from the weekend at Kathy's we had to nap and recover for a day. After we recovered we headed to the Chattahoochee to do some lazy river floating with the fam. The lazy river floating turned out to be the "This raft is made for a child, why is this water 50 degrees, I really need to pee...damn this beer is tasty kind of day". Unfortunately Zak's camera battery died and he left the charger in California.. (which by the way the hotel mailed back to us, to the wrong address and no one lived there so now our package got forwarded to this lady's house 2 hours south of here...and we got charged $50 for all of this... and still no camera/computer charger.) So no pictures of this water adventure....but I was able to snap an awesome photo of Zak's tan line on his feet that was caused by wearing these.

The best part about visiting Zak's Dad and Eleanor are margaritas followed by a mean game of badminton... and their cat is pretty cool too. ::Shout out to Stewie::

(Eleanor and I)

(Stuart trying to hide in the jungle)

(Zak ready for some badminton action!) 

We also took Zak's family out to Korean we could get them hooked on it and hopefully have a visit from them while we are out in Korea ;) Right Eleanor? The dinner was awesome and Eleanor ordered some sort of seafood pancake with octopus tentacles in it... but she wouldnt touch the mildly compared Korean BBQ Beef... I on the other hand ate wayyyyyyyyy too much and feared that I might be in trouble because I seriously love Korean food too much. At least they dont eat bread and cheese there, I could spare to cut out a few carbs!

I tried to introduce Stewie (the cat) to Pleo (our dinosaur) and he got so upset that he slept behind the TV for the rest of the night, hey at least I got a good picture!... Ok Stewie to make you feel better I will post some photos of the giant bug you stalked and chased away... this wasp like creature was dragging a giant spider behind it.. take a look for yourself.
(Pleo meeting Stuart)

(Stuart stalking scary bugs...they are the blur...wait for it....)

(Scary bug carrying even scarier spider)
It gives me the ebbeeegeeebeees just looking at this.

After getting "home" from our trip down south, we had a lot of organizing and unplugging to do before the movers came. We took everything down from the walls, puttied all the holes we made... packed lots of luggage... and had a really long night cleaning and figuring out what we needed to take with us on our flights since we wont have our household goods for another two months.

The movers came yesterday and it only took them about 3 hours to pack and move all of our stuff out, I was so happy that I was not the one packing this time! I have done that too many in the past 18 months. So now we sit here at Zak's Uncle Keith's home with his family, and they are so awesome for letting us stay whenever we find ourselves homeless! We leave on Friday to LA and fly to Korea on Saturday... I will update before then.

Thanks for reading!

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