Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Celebrating Zak's Birthday!

So this past Monday my wonderful husband turned 26! I am so thankful that he is healthy and we are enjoying our life, every time a birthday rolls around you can't help but think what you were doing this time last year. We were living in Pennsylvania in Keith and Julia's basement and Zak was getting ready to unexpectedly head to Afghanistan for the first time as a civilian. I remember thinking and wondering if we were ever going to make it out to Korea, and the thought of it just seemed surreal. And now, here we are in Korea! Most people I have met do not like it here in Korea, but Zak and I had a choice to come and we don't regret that choice at all. I grew up knowing that there was more to the world than the 48 contiguous states (and the other two.. as well) lol. I am so happy to share my love of traveling with someone who enjoys it just as much as I do. My grandma told me that when you look back on life you don't want to think "We should have done that" but rather "Maybe we shouldn't have done that!" ha ha. If anyone reading this blog ever has an opportunity to travel and experience a world outside of your own, I would definitely take that opportunity and enjoy it. Don't waste your time worrying about what if's, just do it!

Now on to Zak's Birthday... ! For a few weeks now Zak has been wanting to try making a quiche, and what better time to dirty up the kitchen than your birthday. We now call this, the birthday quiche:

It was filled with egg, cheese, potato, bacon and onions! YUM!

Later on in the evening I surprised Zak with an ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins! I love the Korean Baskin Robbins so much more than the ones in the states. They get very creative with their flavors and cakes!

The Panda cake was too cool to pass up!

So in all I think Zak had a pretty delicious birthday! Now we are getting ready for the holiday's and the weather is definitely starting to cool down here on the peninsula! Thanks for reading! :)

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