Monday, April 23, 2012

Nikki goes to the UK!

As most of my friends and family know I am half Welsh and most of my relatives reside in the UK. I was born in England but only lived there for a few short years as a child and therefore barely remembered it. I hadn't seen a relative from my mother's side of the family in almost 20 years, not because I didn't want to but because the opportunity just hasn't been there for me to travel to the UK and visit everyone. I always wondered what my family was like and have longed to have a personal connection with them all and that feeling of belonging in a big family. My mother comes from a large family of 6 brothers and sisters, each with their own children so when I saw the opportunity go to the UK last month and visit all of my family I quickly booked my plane tickets. What made this trip so great was the fact that my mom was meeting me in the UK from Florida so not only did I get to catch up with her, she was able to introduce me to everyone. It is hard to put into words how great of an experience this was for me, but I will begin with some pictures and we will start in England:

Cafes near my Aunt's house in Southend on Sea

A proper English breakfast sandwich :)

Shopping on Oxford St.

Mom near Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace, the Queen was in! 

Having a night out with my Uncle Matt and Mom in Southend.

More shopping on New Bond Street

Tower Bridge

Tower of London

At the Thames River with Big Ben and the British Parliaments in the background!

The next few photos were taken in Chirk which lies right on the border of England and Wales but I will include it in this series ;)
Mom, my Great Aunty Gwen and my Aunty Elaine

Mom with my Aunty and Cousins on the canal

Me with everyone on the canal
Walking to Wales! :)

Love the sheep

The back gate to Chirk Castle.

And finally some photos from visiting my mom's cousin Russell and family in Shrewsbury:

These pictures bring me so much joy and cannot wait to see all of my family in England again. I wondered what it would feel like to be back in England and to be honest it felt like I belonged there, I suppose this was partly because of my Welsh/British upbringing in America but I have never felt so comfortable entering into a "foreign" (to me) country. 

Next blog post I will be taking you to Wales!

Thanks for reading


  1. So, every time I read something about your mom, I read "Mom", but I thought "Mum." LOL I'm so glad that you had such a wonderful time. I loved the pictures. Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. Haha thats funny because every time I write "mom" I think "mum" but I always write mom for some reason, must be the American in me!! :P
